Spider-Man: Far from home

Just come back from watching Spider-Man: Far from home and I have to say it’s excellent. Like the previous Spider-Man, the portrayal of Peter Parker is spot on. The humour is great that had me laughing pretty much most of it – especially the side story between Aunt May and Happy. That was really funny. […]

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From the get go I knew the story in Polar was going to be shallow. I just didn’t know what kind of movie it is. I really liked Polar for it’s style. It has a gritty look with over the top violent scenes but what made it watchable was the dark humour. It worked for […]

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Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel, the latest entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a fun and entertaining origin story to the most powerful hero yet. Captain Marvel or Carol Danvers is one of my favourite comic book superheroes. It started off as a teenage crush (I mean just look at this pic…) But as I got older […]

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Power Rangers

Power Rangers is a brave remake of one of my favourite TV shows when I was a child. Everything has been upgraded from the children’s bright colour setting into a more serious tone. It didn’t work for me – the story was stupid and it doesn’t explain how Rita changed from a Ranger to… whatever […]

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Bleach – Live action (Netflix)

Netflix released a live action adaption of the manga/anime Bleach. I loved the anime, the story, style and music was amazing. This movie, was boring. There was just too much to fit into this movie and not enough development. In the anime, Ichigo and Rukia go fighting Hollows together and so that’s why Ichigo is […]

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Captain Marvel trailer

It’s out! And I’ve seen it! Looks pretty cool and since she has her Binary powers, she’s definitely the most powerful Avenger in the MCU. Now that I’ve seen it, I’m now going dark with Captain Marvel trailers. Can’t wait till it comes out.

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Jumanji (2017)

This was a fun movie and a lot better than what I was expecting. I did watch it a while ago so this is going to be short. I think the trailers gave too much comedy moments away such as who turned into which character and the bread moment. All the actors were great and […]

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