Avengers: Endgame – a fitting final chapter of a book

Before I get to spoilers for Avengers: Endgame, I’m going to say I love this movie and I think Avengers: Endgame is awesome. Anyone who has enjoyed following the MCU will absolutely love this movie, anyone who didn’t will simply not. Go see it.

Spoilers ahead

Endgame starts off with Hawk Eye spending his time in house arrest with his family and everyone in the audience knows where this is going. By now, we know the cues, what seems like a normal day suddenly changes when everyone around you turns to dust. Even a year after the release of Infinity War, the feeling of this is not gone. It still feels gut wrenching and sad.

I’m actually surprised that they made Avengers a time travel movie, I thought the movie was going to be mainly just them finding Thanos and then having a huge battle with him in the garden. But no, Marvel had something else in mind – they quickly found Thanos and killed him with the help of Captain Marvel. He was, however, already in a weakened state from using the stones to destroy the stones themselves. The movie then fast forwards 5 years and we see how people are dealing with grief which was heartbreaking at times. Scott Lang is then transported back to our realm fortunate for him a rat was pressing random buttons to free him from the quantum realm. We learn that in the quantum realm, 5 hours had passed instead of 5 years. So the Avengers come up with a plan to time travel back and retrieve the different Infinity Stones to undo what Thanos has done. The result of this is a lot of fun nostalgic hit from other MCU movies with lots of characters returning for a brief moment. I loved what they did here and it was a lot of fun but creates a few loop holes. One of the biggest issue I have is that they have a time machine now so they can just go back and fix stuff from now on. Not a big fan of this.

Speaking of not a big fan of something, I’m actually disappointed with how little we see of Captain Marvel but feel like she had to not be on Earth for the movie to work just because of how strong she is. For example, we see Thanos headbutt her at the end of the movie but she was able to take it and not flinch at all. It took Thanos pull out the power stone and imbue his punch with that energy to punch Carol away. I would’ve still loved to see more of her and I think she only had 4-5 lines in the whole movie! Come on, I want more Carol Danvers! Also, we see Hulk put on the glove and the power of the stones immediately starts to damage him from the overflow of the power. At the end of the movie, despite his high durability and regeneration powers, he needs an arm sling. Yet Tony Stark, a human being in a suit is able to hold it for about a minute and utter the words “I’m Iron Man”. Whilst it’s cool it doesn’t make sense. Also, how is Iron Man’s tech comparable to the glove especially crafted in Nidavellir. The place that made Mjolnir! How can his glove channel the stone’s power in the same way? If Stark can do this, then surely the scientists who work for Thanos can also do the same?

But this is just me nitpicking, there are so many great things in this movie like Captain America convincing Hydra agents to hand over the scepter by saying “Hail Hydra”. The Ancient One knocking Bruce into Astral form and possibly one of the most unexpected moment was Cap summoning and fighting with Mjolnir! He IS worthy and is a callback to Avengers 2.

Speaking of things I like it’s impossible to not mention the final battle sequence. My god this was awesome. I loved this bit. I also enjoyed how the Scarlett Witch is able to let Thanos feel her wrath! She legitimately took on Thanos and would’ve killed him. He was in so much trouble he got his henchmen to order his space ship to fire upon the battlefield ignoring friendly fire. Then after a short while the cannons start firing into the air and it was obvious to me it was Carol. She just obliterates the space ship and then helps the Avengers. There was also a cool sequence that was an easter egg to A-Force (the all female Avengers lineup) and I would like to see an A-Force movie. However, I want to point out that the people who gathered around to “help” Carol was probably more in the way as she could’ve just went straight through everything that came at her haha.

There’s so much to talk about this movie and I can’t go through everything so to summarize Avengers: Endgame feels like a satisfying ending to a long saga. If this is the last MCU movie, I would’ve been happy because of how good it is. Thanks Marvel and all the actors and off screen people that made this possible. Hope there’s other stories that can be told the same way this did.
