Bleach – Live action (Netflix)

Netflix released a live action adaption of the manga/anime Bleach. I loved the anime, the story, style and music was amazing. This movie, was boring. There was just too much to fit into this movie and not enough development. In the anime, Ichigo and Rukia go fighting Hollows together and so that’s why Ichigo is […]

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Ready Player One

Ready Player One looks really, really good and I loved the pop culture and video game references dotted through out the movie but that’s all there is to it. Spoilers ahead. The CG in this movie looks really good. The car chase, giant monsters the way the avatars look and move are great. There were […]

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Angel, Angel, Angel… Ahhhh

This is one of my favourite Dragon Ball Z ending songs. For it to be used in a trailer for the upcoming Dragon Ball FighterZ game just screams “MUST BUY” to me. It indicates that this is truly a game Dragon Ball fans can appreciate. Oh my god the nostalgia is just overwhelming. All the […]

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Death Note anime

After being so disappointed with the Netflix live action Death Note movie, I decided to watch the first episode of the anime again. I just wanted to see whether the anime has aged well and if I still like it as much as I remembered. Short answer: yes. It’s so good. I was only supposed […]

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